
F1technical needs your help! We are seeking for talented people with great interest for F1 who wish to help build this site.

How can I help?

F1T is an interactive Formula One site that needs every bit of help. Whether that is a one time offer or continuous effort, anything is greatly appreciated by us and everyone who visits this site. You have a number of different options, depending on your interests and the amount of time you are willing to spend:

  • Write news. You will become site editor and be able to write news stories.
  • Manage links. As we have a link section, it needs maintanance. If you have some spare time and wish to help add links, manage categories and remove old or obsolete items, contact us!
  • Add events. A calendar with historic and current F1 events needs to remain up to date, and you can help.
  • Submit content. Whether you have found an interesting article somewhere, you have written a project about anything related to F1, you can simply submit it to us. Did you find an error and you know how it needs correction, let us know.
  • Forum moderation. A growing community needs more managers, so report if you wish to become a forum moderator. Mail your motivation and possible experience.
  • Manage image gallery. Our increasing amount of images in the gallery needs overview and management.

F1Technical will be there for you to guide you through this process, edit your texts for publication and provide help to get you to this stage.

What you get

  • Exposure: F1technical provides you with a unique opportunity to write for a leading Formula One website. You will be permanently listed in our list of contributors page.
  • Press access: Being an active part of F1technical will give you the opportunity to get press access at various events.
  • Knowledge: As a site journalist, you are accredited as the publisher of the articles you write.
  • Email: If you decide to help repeatedly, we will provide you with an email address.
  • Team updates: Members of the core team get to know everything about upcoming updates to this site, can suggest changes and influence content of new parts of this site.

You are free to contact us if you have any questions or had something different in mind.


If you simply want to show your appreciation to, without actively participating, you can also choose to donate through paypal. Any donation, no matter how small is greatly appreciated. You will accordingly be assigned the contributor badge on our forum.